
Rapide F10AB/1/5782
Items to note for me would be
1)the physical appearance of the cast boss below VINCENT for
engine number stamping.
2) stamping font and font sizes for this particular point in
3) nut fasteners, thickness and size.
4) studs with slots.
5) plated side stand plates.
6) washers.
I see traces of silver paint on a couple of the nut/studs.
Slightly bent bottom muff fin indicating service.

FERIDAX logo is printed on seat tail.
note location
Rubber Stamp?
note the stitch line at seat bottom

PR38 connectors still in place, one with
rubber cover, the other without.
Red ID sleeve on Battery positive cable has slid down but
correct size and appearance, simply needs to be closer to
Miller voltage regulator cover appears backwards with cut
outs in cover at the primary side ....should be at
transmission end.

Miller dynamo 3"
Plug in terminal looks correct with blue sleeve