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paint section too..)
A Petrol Tank
Cleaning Method : Using a 1600 lb.
engine driven high pressure washer, and a home made 30 gal. auxiliary
source tank, the job is made easy. Fill the tank with water made
into a solution with common baby powder or pumice, whichever you have
on hand. Modify the pressure washer wand end, bending it into a
90o angle, and cover the tank with a protective wrap to prevent any
mishaps with the paint. With the gas cap and petcocks removed,
insert the 90o wand into the gas cap cavity. Engine running,
pressure up, sporadically trigger the wand in all directions for no
more than three or four minutes. This is usually enough to remove
all rust to a shiny metal surface.
Cleaning the tank of the grit goes like this:
Flush a couple of times with water.
Let the tank dry. You can assist drying by using a shop vac on
"blow" in the gas cap hole.
After the tank is thoroughly dry use your shop air compressor at 125
lbs. pressure. Blow in the gas cap and petcock holes.
When you see no more "white cloud" exiting the tank, the job is
You can then use the quality tank liner sealant of your choice to
protect any further rusting to infinity.
The trick with tank liner sealants is in the preparation. It only
takes about an hour to properly remove rust and seal tank. Of
course you follow the directions, and there is a cure time on all liner
sealers. It's a good idea to double that time before the tank is
put into use.
After about 10 cleanings with the wand, the pressure tip will have to
be replaced. The nozzle orifices erode rapidly. (
Max Lambky 3/16/11)
Most, if not all restorations,
involve the
seat. The best restorations are accomplished by rebuilding
an original. Often when rebuilding an original seat the only
items that will be retained are the rolled edge metal tool tray slide,
the A frame containing the front seat tab mount, the two rear support
tabs, the delta concave rear fender clearance shield, the two flat bar
stiffener straps, and the horizontal loop tubing support.
In every case when restoring one of these old bikes, the ply board
base, the foam and the cover, will have to be replaced if you're
looking for a quality end product. Sixty year old foam hardens
and loses it's elasticity, the ply board laminations are usually
separated and weak, and in the case of the Naugahide cover, where the
backing was cotton cloth, the cotton has lost it's youthful
vigor. The cover, the ply board, and the foam are all readily
available. If the ply board on your old seat hasn't deteriorate
too badly, you can easily use it for a template to cut a new one.
I make sure when I buy it, that I am buying waterproof marine ply
board, instead of the commonplace interior/exterior that's bought at
the local hardware store. If you cut your own ply board base,
make sure you sand the edges. It's a good idea to sand a 1/8"
radius on the lower edge of the ply board base, as it will greatly
improve the longevity of the Naugahide cover.
For durability of metal parts, they can either be stripped, primered
and painted, or powder coated. On the seats that the Vincent
company had made, the metal was all painted black as well as the ply
board. The covers were attached to the ply board bottom both by
staples and by upholstery flat brads. I prefer the brads.
To me it adds a touch of class. In regard to the cover itself,
you'll probably be happier if you have a reputable upholsterer who
specializes in antique motorcycle seats, do the job, rather than using
a seat cover manufactured in India. And selection of the
Naugahide is paramount in achieving a "Class Act" seat when
It's time to talk about the woes of some of the after market
Here are some of the things I've found to be unacceptable: The front
ears too short, not allowing clearance between the seat and the rear of
the tank. Bottom A frame rear seat tabs either too close together
or too far apart, causing binding of the friction shock uprights.
Seat base made from particle board. Poorly fitting fiberglass,
delta shaped, concave, clearance shield. Poor glue
adhesive. Naugahide covering not even close to original.
Naugahide stitching not to original specs.
If you don't have a seat with your restoration, you have to work with
what you do have. If your bike by some misfortune has one of the
aforementioned after market seats, I'd approach it like this:
Ensure that the A frame bottom bracket is correct. Measure the
center distance of the four tabs on the bike's rear frame member.
Ensure that the distance is the same on the bottom A frame attaching
support of the seat at the rear. This cannot be over emphasized,
as it is very important for proper operation of the friction operated
rear seat upright supports. All friction is directed at the
friction lining, and nowhere else, i.e. seat mounting bushings.
If you're satisfied that the seat mounting points are correct in regard
to the mounting points on the bike and the rear swing arm, when
friction knobs are backed off, the shock and spring boxes are removed,
and that a free, effortless, up and down movement of the swing arm is
achieved, (for this check I hang the bike with tie down straps located
at the forks and at the rear of the fuel tank with my handy dandy
homemade A frame), you can reinstall rear swing arm spring boxes and
set the bike back on the ground.
I know it'll be hard to do, but for a nice job on the seat you'll more
than likely have to throw away the entire after market seat except for
the flat bar A frame with mounting tabs, and the foam portion of the
seat. If the delta concave splash shield on the rear of the seat
is fiberglass, the only way to get a nice job is to take that piece,
and the newly cut marine ply board to a local metal man that can form
you a piece by hand, or if your talents lie in that area, and you can
do it yourself, you'll save a buck or two. So you salvage what
you can, and undertake the above procedures where necessary. More
than likely you'll end up being a "happy camper" and proud of the end
product, which will be functional and show worthy.
Max Lambky 10-23-10
Series "A" tanks:
(actually silver brazing) stainless steel I had
good luck using a lower temperature silver brazing compound with
metalsmithing flux. I believe that the flux which I used was a
commercially available paste specifically for gold, silver and copper
work but it was very much like a borax paste. When the silver brazing
temperatures got too high the flux would break down and oxygen would
then reach the metals being joined not allow the silver solder to
flow. Paul Woebling 8/16/10
Gas Tank Procedures
Mounting and Preparation
On almost all motorcycles, the
crown of the restoration is the gas tank. This is what you see
first when you walk up to a bike, as the gas tank is the primary
identification of the marque. Any blem, or something that just
doesn't look right, i.e., striping, logo badges, gas cap, and in the
case of the Vincent, of course, the Mercury Crest. Before you
bring the gas tank to a concourse state cosmetically, it's a good idea
to do some preliminaries.
First determine if the tank
you have is the tank you want. Often basket cases are a
hodgepodge of this and that Vincent parts. There were four tanks
made for Vincents, and possibly one other for prototype Indian
Vincents. The outside configurations were all the same, but the
bottom cavities provided for carburetor clearance and frame clearance
were quite different. Rapides normally had a smaller cavity in
both the B's and C's., than the Shadows in the B's and C's. The D
tank won't fit on the B's and C's due to only requiring a narrow
alleyway to clear the strong back tube of the D frame. The D had
about a gallon extra fuel capacity due to it's tank belly pan
configuration. The factory Lightnings were all custom clearanced
as to carburetors.
The soundness of the tank is
most important. Does it leak? Does it contain rust?
How much body putty is on the tank, if any? Will it require a
tank liner application? Are all of the tabs correct in separation
width? Does the tank still retain the tire pump bracketry?
Prior to checking for leaks on
a tank that's been setting for a long period of time, it's a good idea
to wash the tank innards with muriatic acid. The muriatic acid
will attack those tiny stubborn rust particles that may be plugging up
a pin hole in the gas tank that's not detected until a week later when
you're 100 miles away from home on your first ride after
restoration. Make sure when you use muriatic acid that you use
gloves and eye protective gear. You MUST neutralize the muriatic
acid. Failure to do so will ruin the tank. Neutralization
can be done with a garden hose placed in the tank running, to allow a
six hour or more purge. Now with a light and a mirror, determine
the condition of the tank innards. Fill the tank with
water. Plug the two drain bungs. Make a quick gas cap with
a fitting of some sort, that will accept a controllable air hose.
Pressurize the tank to not more than 1 1/2 lbs. Dry
off any water spillage with a blow dryer. Hold the pressure for
at least 5 minutes. If any leaks are detected, repair externally
as required. Gas welding is the best method. Brazing is the
last resort, as sometimes brazing fluxes. Don't allow brass to
steel marrying. Brazing may hold for as much as a month or so,
but eventually gasoline liquefies the flux between the steel and brass
surface, and a leak is inevitable. The same problem occurs with
some silver solders, and some lead solders as well.
Go over the entire tank with a
pneumatic palm sander to remove all the paint. If there's no
primer underneath the black or red, or in the rarest of rare cases,
blue tank, it will more than likely be the original paint, as the gas
tanks were originally dipped without primer in the case of the black
tanks. I'm not sure about the red or the rare blue, they might
have been spray painted, and could have been primered. If
excessive body putty is detected after removal of all paint, a
determination is necessary as to whether a portion of the bottom of the
tank has to be removed for an access hole, to hammer and dolly back
into shape. If the bottom must be opened, use a thin blade metal
cutting saber saw. When reaffixing the metal door, first drill a
series of 1/8" holes, 1/4" away from the edge of the hole in the tank.
usually 4 will suffice. Cut 4 metal tabs from 16 gauge steel
sheet, approximately 1" long, 1/2" wide. Use needle nose vise
grips to clamp the tabs to the opening. The tab should protrude
1/2". Gas weld the tab in position with a button weld at the 1/8"
drilled hole. With the tank upside down, position the door in
place. Start the weld of the door by tack welding at the four tab
areas. This helps prevent any warping that may occur when final
welding is completed. Retest for any weld leaks. It's a
good idea to use a modern day tank liner. Make sure the
directions are followed, and most importantly, note whether the maker
states that the liner is impervious to alcohol. The reason for
this is that modern day fuels often contain a small percent of
alcohol. Around 10% I believe. Prior to installing tank
liner sealant, put a few nuts and bolts in the tank and rattle them
over all welded areas to remove weld slag. Clean weld slag
thoroughly from gas tank.
Next the tank must be fitted
to the frame. There are four mounting points, the rear being a
Siamized mounting system. There are four rubbers, front tank ears
right and left, and two rubbers, upper and lower at the rear. A
common problem with Vincent gas tanks is that the foreword ears, and
sometimes the gas tank itself, has been squeezed together, decreasing
the distance between the two tank mounting ears. In the Vincent
motorcycle parts list book, MO19 shows FT80, the front tank rubber,
pointing the wrong direction. The larger diameter of the rubber
should go inboard against the steering head casting. If the
rubber is installed incorrectly, the shouldered bolt puts pressure on
the tank, bending the ears. With new rubbers installed properly
without the tank, measure with calipers the distance from the large
diameter shoulder of the rubber left and right. Measure the fuel
tank flanges. The flanges should measure 1/8" less than the
rubber shouldered distance. This will allow, when installed,
1/16" crush on either side, allowing proper elasticity of the rubber
mounts. Too much crush reduces elasticity. A portapower
with a scissor tool can be used to open up the tank ear distance.
Now the rear tank
rubbers. First check to see that the tank is installed, and front
rubbers are tightened to full tube lock of shouldered bolt with washer,
and the two tank rear mounting slots are wide enough so that the
retaining bolts can be screwed in without touching. A 1/32"
clearance here would be a minimum. Install the upper and lower
pads. Now with washers, tighten the two retaining bolts where the
oil tank flange marries snugly to the bottom rubber pad, and the rubber
pad marries snugly to the gas tank flange, and the top rubber marries
snugly to the gas tank mounting flange, and the two washers are snug
against the upper rubber mount. Turn the bolts two additional
turns. This will provide the proper crush, and elasticity will
still remain. Of course when the tank is painted (which I'll
cover in segment (2) of gas tank restoration) and installed, the two
retaining bolts will be safety wired in an X pattern.
The last thing is to size the
aluminum spacer at the rear bottom of the tank to length. Too
short a spacer will cause stress on the tank when tightened, and
eventually will cause weld cracking. If everything is done
properly, you'll be able to firmly grab the tank on both sides, and
when twisted, will feel a movement. This movement provides enough
elasticity in your rubber mounted tank to prevent harmonic vibration
cracks to your newly restored tank. Max
Lambky 8/11/2010
Base: Marine
ply is excellent, the reason for this is that each lamination or layer
of wood is perfect, no holes are left in it, and the knots are very
tight leaving absolutely no air holes between the layers. the
of the material is very good to excellent and the adhesive used - is
water based - therefor very resilient to water. there are many other
of wood laminates that are made with these characteristics now days
as Multi-laminates where there is a greater a amount of thinner
therefor increasing the structural integrity of your plywood. The best
thing you can do is take a trip to your local 'exotic wood' or fine
store - you wont find what you need at the 'Home' type hardware box
find your local wood place and talk to the folks behind the counter -
often have offcut sizes , and you can ask about the adhesive types as
as the quality of the laminates. I've got some if you cant find
that i can mail to you enough to make your seat , but i'm sure the
would cost more than buying it locally. after you've made the wood
as indicated by others use a high end sealers (you could stain it black
while you're at it if you so choose) drill all your holes etc, finish
the blank and the seal it , and for good measure, when you're
it again. marc 6/2/09
Tank Bag:
I have a "standard" Eclipse
tank bag which was a hand me down from
another Vin owner. It works very well with the standard Vincent tank as
far as the mounting straps go and is quite stable but I would recommend
a tank cover if you want to protect a nice paint job. Many years and UV
light have clouded the clear vinyl cover of the map pocket somewhat on
mine but otherwise it has proved pretty robust any I particularly like
the side pockets for easy access to stuff. Like a camping tent one has
to spray it with a good water repellent from time to time to make sure
contents stay dry.
The bag is large enough that it covers the gas
cap so one has to make an air tunnel (mine is carved out of a chunk of
ps foam) so as it does not block the breather. At refueling stops the
has to be loosened on the front straps to allow access to the gas
Tim Holcroft 5/15/09
I originally had my
cracks brazed, but that was before TIG
was available. I now have them TIG welded. In either case I drill
a 1/16 inch hole at the
either end of the crack to stop further growth
then have the tank brazed or TIGed. John Mead 4/16/09
Petrol tank leaks:
When they start leaking there the problem is in the forward tank
idea to change rubbers frequently;don't reuse the old ones if they are
hard. Bones has a pressure tester for Vincent tanks.He submerges
them and pumps in a little air. Also be careful welding
guy I respect saw one blow up after 20 years!! You can pump in
fumes to eliminate any oxygen. Somer 4/16/09
Good point about the need
to purge the tank during welding. I
a small table outdoors for welding tanks, and back my truck up next to
it. A 1-meter length of VW hot-air heater tubing (as used on old
to get air from the fan shroud to the heater boxes) connects 1 tailpipe
to the filler neck. Petcocks should be removed to give as much flow as
possible. Be wary of pressurizing the tank (especially automobile
1 psi = 144 pounds of push on each square foot of tanks surface, so a
pressure can do a lot of damage.) I also wear a leather welding jacket
and a full face shield; it’s hot, but I know I’d be hotter if it
Tom Volkmann 4/16/09
Petseal sloughing off with Methanol:
One of the Scots members has a B Shadow which has suffered in this way
(with "Old Petseal"). The flakes were very thin, maybe 15 -30 thou,
the right size to break up and plug the fuel system. I used a coating I
bought from Frosts, about 5 years ago, called something like K9P. So
so good, run on unleaded, with the occasional belt of Avgas. The
only practical difference between ethanol and methanol is that the
can be drunk, the second can't. I think "methanol" is a
of "methylated ethanol". I don't know if that is different from
spirits" (meths) but my late father-in-law used to start the 175
Barnett on which he went fishing on meth, then changed over to paraffin
(kerosene) once warmed up. Money were tight in them days... You can
your own ethanol (hundreds of Norwegians do) from sugar and yeast. It's
been calculated that if all the yeast sold in Norway was used to make
every Norwegian, man woman and child, must consume 18 loaves a day. Of
course I don't for one moment suggest you drink it, put it in your
and save the planet. I pass over in silence making a fuel with
pretensions that used neat gives about 7 mpg in a 500 cc race motor. If
I were a cynic I'd say it was another way of subsidising farmers. But
not, so I won't. Sunbeam 4/6/09
Ethanol has
2 carbon atoms & methanol only 1 carbon. If a chemist heard you
"methylated ethanol" then he might assume you were
talking about Methy Ethyl Ketone or alternatively you didn't
know what you were talking about. Many chemicals were used to
& 10% Methanol was the most common but Isopropyl alcohol was also
used. It was all about excise duty on the pure stuff but
not on the denatured product. In England they used to put a blue
dye in it but here in Australia it is clear. Alyn of
Seat Hump:
I took a piece of 5" stove pipe (opened up), traced and cut the profile
from the "seat well", hammered the perimeter flat and the job was done
in 10
minutes. Galvanized steel as well.
It could not have been any easier. Richard
When you're putting
tank back on a useful tool is a piece
of 3/8" diameter mild steel with the end turned down to 1/4" diameter
the nose
tapered. You put it through the rubber on the
first side and wriggle the pilot into the tapped hole which is then
up to accept your piloted
shoulder bolt, which you don't tighten fully.
You then go to the other side and repeat the process. Fit the bolts at
the rear of the tank before you
finally tighten the front ones.Roy Cross
Getting the rust out:I
have attached a 12"square of good quality plywood to a device
of a 6" X 6" plate of 1/4" steel welded to a 14" long piece of 1" o.d.
iron pipe. I firmly attach the tank to the plywood panel..insert
1/4 lb. of ceramic media and 2 cups of dish washing detergent. This
thingee is then locked into the three jaw chuck( having been inserted
the spindle hole from outside of the headstock). After Double Checking
for security I set the lathe on 'back gear' @ 3rpm. I let it run
for three hours at a time...never when I am more than half the shop
from the set-up... and, eventually and with minimum risk or violence
No viscous acids; Bob's Your Uncle... Dave R. 2/18/09
Gettting the gum out:
In any event, on Oct 4th, I bought a Shadow basket including its fuel
a third full of 32 year old high test and adding to the challenge,
stored during that time, leaving an extreme example of the "lacquer"
you referred to along with some superficial rust in the form of a
sludge. I too wanted to preserve the exterior finish - not
because it was original - but to add to the planned antiqueing of this
machine to which now looks like a comfortable well worn but polished
gentleman's boot here. The finish? Nothing spectucular, a
job superbly applied prior to 1959, but lined in gold paint rather than
gold leaf. To add to the challenge, 32 years of regular
of cat urine to this tank had turned the single stage enamel clear coat
- a popular top coat finish technique of the time - into a milky vinyl
type consistency exposing the fragile lacquer color coat and decals
As I've done over the years with Indian tanks (soldered not welded)
and on my Red Rap tank. I filled it half full with lacquer
and a lb of 1 1/4 zinc plated roofing nails sat it on the work bench
then made a daily habit as I passed by on the way to work with
machine on the lift of slowly agitating it then letting it sit.
recommend bb's, not enough mass, too smooth and have a tendency to want
to stick where any gum remains. Zinc plating on roofing nails is done
thick to act partially in a self-sealing capacity when damaged (hammer
blow) and is rather soft. The perimeter edge of the head and the sharp
end do their job with less "violence" so to speak than required with
metal based media when agitating by hand. Having less mass than a
bolt or nut, they are far less prone to dent your tank.
Unless you have pin holes leaks which might explain the presence of
a sealer in the first place, then your only vulnerability with a
like lacquer thinner is from the vent on your cap (seal it) and when
pouring in/draining off. I have a long tube which I affix
the filler neck for both activities and apply a thin layer of grease as
a sacrificial barrier around the filler neck to act as a sacrificial
for the short time it takes to reach for a rag if any splashing might
Peter Williams 2/18/09
Removing petrol tank liner:
Old liner material will have to be removed before any effective repair
can be made. I would attempt to remove some small bits of the liner for
diagnostic experimentation with solvents. Start with Berryman, brake
carb clean etc, and if none of those work, try acetone, NMP or TCE. MEK
should be a last resort. (They don’t call it Methyl-Ethyl-Death for
Once you have a solvent that works, even if it only works very slowly,
add a carton of BBs to the tank, and use them as a mechanical scouring
agent to work with the solvent. Be patient; it may take a while. If the
stuff is really stubborn, tumble the tank by wiring it to a car wheel
by the shaft of an electric motor. Email me if you want more info on
to do this. (This is how I tumbled my UFM.) Beware that your pinholes
get bigger as you do this. I will also caution you that
some of the aforementioned solvents are highly toxic and/or highly
Make sure you download a MSDS for whatever you are working with to
hurting yourself or burning your house down. Nitrile chem. gloves and
should be the minimum for safety gear. Tom Volkman 2/16/09
(Once does NOT recommend use of any
Use of solvents is better left to professionals as some are reported to
be carcinogenic, flammable and/or highly toxic.)
RK Leighton offer replacement
seats, along
bases (Complete with all strengthening bars).
(44+) (0)121 359 0514 or
E-mail: Neil. 1/6/08
tap threads: 1/4"
BSPP (British Standard Parallel Pipe) with a major diameter of 0.518"
19 threads per inch. Not to be confused with American 1/4"
Pipe Thread (NPT) which has a major diameter of 0.540" and a pitch of
tpi. Ken Targett 9/17/08
Gold Leaf Pin Striping
on the tank: These were all hand
painted using lining brushes and they vary from a quarter to five
Anything within those sizes looks good. Roy Cross 9/4/08
Tank and UFM Cleaning
- Sealing: Rusteco is
It ain't cheap, but can be reused. I've had a
big bucket of it for a couple years and have used it about 3 times,
still doing its thing. Safe, too. I am not big on their gel product,
but maybe I didn't use it correctly. You'll like that liquid
Bev Bowen 8/18/08
When I restored my Prince 5 years ago there was
in the petrol tank. Having clean it
as best as I could, I lined it with a white epoxy compound two pack
very successfully. A great advantage being you can see the tank
very easily and any sediment that can later accumulate. Be careful to
off the petrol tap threads before carrying out the process as they are
hell to clean up afterwards. The final result is excellent and very
supplier is :-
C.Wylde & Sons Ltd,
1 Roundhay Road,
Leeds LS8 5AJ (sorry I don't have their phone
Product :- Flo-Liner White Epoxy Compound ( a
pack contains 1 large tin and 1 small tin and is sufficient to treat a
Vincent tank)
Paul Craven. 3/11/07
There were 4 articles in the
Light on Some Obscure Components' Series describing gold
leaf lining and transfers; the
MPH editions between April and July 94 (was it that long ago?) were:
No. 543 The Petrol Tank
No. 544 Enclosed D Lines
No. 545 Enclosed D Transfers
No. 546 Applying Gold
Frank Griffin 12/2/06
Tank Sealer:
The best out there is a product called Red Kote. You can get this
some commercial truck stores or radiator shops. Holt BMW offers
service for around $80 with about a 2 week turn around. Your
paint will not be harmed. It's money well spent as it is a PITA
do this. If your tank already has a white liner in it it will not
work. Red Kote is not compatable with Kreeme which is junk
Some folks use a product called POR wich is still not as good as the
Kote. Plus the Red Kote liner is reddish and it a more of a rubbery
. Holt BMW/Ducati, 15530 US Rt. 50, East Athens, OH
BMW message board. 12/08/02
Removing Tank Sealer:
I acquired my bike, its fuel tank had been coated (probably with Kreem
although I'm not certain). Surface prep had evidently not been
correctly, as rust had loosened the coating and chunks were coming loose
and ending up in the carbs. This did not
enhance performance, and created a fire hazard when debris held the
needle open and the carbs overflowed.
Anyhow, Kreem advised me that their product is
soluble in acetone, so I bought a gallon at the Home Depot. This
worked very nicely; it actually dissolves the coating rather than just
softening it, so you can remove all the material if you're
Also, acetone is one of the less-dangerous solvents to work with.
I'm not sure how universal it is with regard to other brands of
but it may be worth a try. Dave Hartner 8/3/02 (
does NOT recommend Acetone as a solvent. Use of Acetone is better
left to professionals as it is reported to be carcinogenic.)
Your front tank
bolts can and should only be done up
the shoulder, just captivating the rubber, the tank sits on this. No
should the tank be clamped by the front bolt. All the clamping is done
at the back, by the two 5/16 bsf bolts two rubbers and a top plate of
The rubber should be fitted with the head between the headstock and the
tank, the bolt should have a washer 3/4" diameter under the head. and
shoulder bolt should be 3/4" long under the head. So that when the bolt
is done up tight to the shoulder, it lightly compresses the rubber to
in gently and grip the tank. should have no effect in clamping the tank
at all. Trevor Southwell 07/05/01
Bob Culver of Letchworth, UK
Drat engine case advert in a year old MPH) had Dunlopillo make some
NEW seat foams in the right material a
year or so back. Right shape and "weight" and standard length. Real
of love and very expensive at around £50 each. not stocked by
as they would rather stock something cheaper apparently. Arthur
Bob Culver has run out of the Dunlopillo
seat foams as of not very long ago. He
is having some polyether ones made subject to getting the underside
of the squab of the correct contour, and the chemical composition of
mix optimized. About a month he said and about GBP50 delivered UK. His
number when I rang today is: +43 (0)1462 673705. You may get it for
price in US cos you won't pay the VAT. The seat arches are available
West Country Sidecars in glass fibre (see MPH). The rest you can
make with your bare hands. Ken Tidswell 02/27/01
The short (old) style seat
is (about) 12" from the nose to the first high point and 22" from nose
to tail. The long seat is 15.5" to the first high point and 26
On this one the nose appears extended up the tank a bit and this part
the extra length
doesn't help my own big end much. I find it less comfortable than the
short one also because the foam comes up more steeply to the middle
and makes it harder for one to slide back against it. Mike Hebb
Petrol Tanks:
The large tank fitted to
Charlie Cannon's bike is not a Montlherry tank as it is the wrong
shape. I have been fortunate enough to see an original Montlherry tank
some time back, belonging to Pat Highsmith from Northern California. (currently
owned by Jim Baltusnik 5/06) These tanks
identical at the front to the standard tank but were raised at the rear
by a couple of inches to give a capacity of about 4 1/4 UK gallons. On
side profile the top of the tank was almost horizontal. Charlie's tank
is a "one off" from an unknown source.
Things start to become interesting when you
about the correct locations for the gold lines and transfers. Series
are fairly straight forward, if you took the mean average of all the
you could measure then you would not be far out with the positioning on
the transfers etc. The series B tank was something else. When I
started painting tanks I went to Alan Lancaster's pub where on the wall
was an original advertising poster from the factory. It had photographs
of both sides of the same Series B and I had brought all I needed to
record the positioning of the gold lines etc. I was wasting my time,
show model had the HRD about 1 inch out, in relation to the opposite
In truth you cannot see both sides of the tank at the same time and the
factory had not expected someone to inspect their poster years later
a slide rule.
I have since taken detail measurements from
so called original tanks and yes they are different, the gold lines
applied by hand without the obvious use of a template. Very few people
will be able to draw an identical arch to the left and to the right
so don't let anyone tell you the lines on your tank are wrong.
A word of warning for anyone about to use
D Black Shadow transfers from the spares club. They look OK but
the years the water soluble glue has disappeared from the backs and it
is only possible use them by painting them with a replacement glue.
For anyone who is interested the older
in Southern England (as described by Robert Watson) is still
4 3/4 gallon aluminum petrol tanks to my design but they now sport
aircraft fillers as the twist neck type appear unobtainable. If you
different please mail me with the source. If you are interested in
one (photos available) then order early as the old guy only works one
a week. Paul Adams 12/05/00
Vincent Colours: I've
actually seen pictures of one of the blue ones. It was called "Egyptian
Blue".It was a Touring Rapide. A few years ago, some NOS blue touring
turned up. I also came across an orginal Shadow that was sent over for
the New York show. It had chrome hardware(this was common on show
and a blue tank. Over the years I've also come across original Touring
Raps that had red fenders and tanks. Charlie Taylor told me about
a Shadow go through his shop that had an orginal red tank on it. Red
not popular then. I've found several red raps over the years that were
repainted black upon removal from the crate. Some red ones also had
seats. There were 17 Red Comets made, making them one of the rarest of
all Vincents. Somer Hooker 12/09/00
Rare Colours:
a Red" White" Shadow with a 1A number. There is
another one too. One
of my friends found it a few years ago.He
to pull in into a service station on his Vin..A guy in there commented
that he knew where one of those was(Meaning a Vincent)It was still in
hands of the orginal owner. See what happens when you RIDE your
Somer Hooker 12/09/00
Rare Colours:
On one of the sets of cases I just recorded for Gordon (Mr numbers)
he said it was a "Red/Black" Rapide, which "I think the red/black ones
were black frame and fork parts with red tanks and mudguards
Perry Osgood's bike was originally sold in Vancouver and has a /1A/
number, painted red with polished cases but would question the touring
statement John! Although I'm sure Gordon or Perry could clarify if you
really wanted to know. I question it as Perry does not have
fenders on it and I know he wanted a very original restoration.
Watson 12/09/00
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